

 The AtlasPROfilax® Wellness Technique

The AtlasPROfilax® Wellness Technique


The AtlasPROfilax® Technique is for everyone, from babies to the elderly.

The spine of elderly people may never be perfectly levelled, but tensions and pains could be greatly reduced, their balance and posture may improve and they would have a much better quality of life.

Anyone with problems with the spine, neck and joints are highly recommended to check their C1 alignment. However, we recommend this procedure to nearly everyone for the purpose of prevention, as according to studies, 98 % of humans beings have the Atlas out of alignment (at different degrees) from birth, due to an inherited defect or to the mechanical stress during the birth process.

Traumas, such as whiplash, falls, intubation during surgery under total anaesthesia, can worsen the misalignment.

The conventional medicine does not consider the Atlas misalignment a possible cause of disorders in the patient, furthermore it does not show up in regular X-rays or magnetic-resonance imaging. As a result this problem generally goes undiagnosed.

AtlasPROfilax - The new Video

R.C. Schümperli developed a unique method to safely work on the Atlas with just one application. The AtlasPROfilax® application consists of a safe, strategic, non-chiropractic massage to the short musculature of the 4 layers of the neck muscles, especially on the muscles that position and give stability and correct (or incorrect) function, not only to the Atlas but to the Axis and the occipital.

Marie uses a specially designed hand held patented device (AtlasPROfilax® Wellness) that massages the muscles and soft tissues around the Atlas (not the vertebrae itself), doing a neuromuscular and myofascial work in the occipital region that restores and can improves fascia and muscles related to chronic pain and many pathologies. In addition and secondarily, this vibropressure work improves the Atlas position in most cases.

There is no popping, twisting or cracking of the neck vertebrae, or any kind of chiropractic manipulation, or anything that might be traumatic, it is non-invasive and very safe… This is a non-medicinal and non-chiropractic Technique..


The first session is for a consultation and includes the application of the AtlasPROfilax® Therapy. The approximate duration of the session is about 45 minutes, including briefing, patients’s medical history, kinesiological tests, anthropometric measurements prior implementation of the therapy. Those tests are performed before and after the AtlasPROfilax® procedure.

Marie-Agnes uses a specially designed hand held patented device (AtlasPROfilax® Wellness) that massages the muscles and soft tissues around the Atlas (not the vertebrae itself), doing a neuromuscular and myofascial work in the occipital region that restores and can improve fascias and muscles related to chronic pain and many pathologies. In addition, this vibropressure work improves the Atlas position in most cases. There is no popping, twisting or cracking of the neck vertebrae, or any kind of chiropractic manipulation, or anything that might be traumatic, it is non-invasive and very safe… This is a non-medicinal and non-chiropractic Technique.

The second session (free) is for a check-up, any muscular release massage required and to also clear any negative cellular memory, helping the body to adjust and realign, We use a space technology Scenar device (Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation).

the late 1970s, a russian team of doctors and scientists developed a method of treatment that was energy efficient, multi-applicable, portable and also non-invasive, using electrical signals to stimulate the immune system.

Scenar was immediately dubbed the “star Trek” Device by the press because of its origins and its similarity to the “all-curing” medical scanner used in the series Star Trek.

This second session can be done either a few weeks or months later.


Body cells and organs do not, however, regenerate overnight. Likewise the restoration of skeleton balance and posture improve gradually depending on the physical constitution of each individual.


Following the AtlasPROfilax® Wellness Technique, it is possible that you could experience a variety of responses all of which indicate self-healing has begun. These may include tiredness and muscle tension around the neck and lumbar region. You may experience mild versions of past ailments which have not completely healed. They can present themselves temporarily and in changed form. We recommend you observe your body carefully and write down changes in the way you feel. Support the self-healing process with regular back and neck massages as well as relaxing baths.


The AtlasPROfilax® Technique only needs to be applied once in most cases.

However, as stated the body and organs do not regenerate overnight. Some additional treatments such as massage, diet, detoxifying procedures, may also prove beneficial to support the process commenced through having the Atlas realigned. In addition, other treatments and therapies may be more effective, following the AtlasPROfilax® Therapy.


The AtlasPROfilax® Wellness procedure should only be performed by a specialist who has been trained, assessed and certified by the AtlasPROfilax® Academy in Switzerland, SA CH 3960 Sierre, preferably by a practitioner who has achieved the highest level of education. The method is non-medicinal and is non-chiropractic.


Performed Only By An AtlasPROfilax® Specialist

This picture shows a misaligned Atlas to the left side.

The rotation causes a reduction in the diameter of the aperture at the base of the skull and vertebral canal.

This disrupts the normal flow of information between the brain and body through the vertebral and carotid arteries, and the lymphatic system, the cerebrospinal fluid, the meningeal system and the spinal cord.

This picture shows a relocated Atlas bone.

The Atlas carries not only the skull, but also facilitates SUSPENSION, BALANCE and CONTROL of the human spine and skeletal system.

Additional information relating to research studies undertaken by Prof. Dr. Rainer Seibel at the Radiological Institute Diagnosticum, one of the most advanced medical centers in Germany, and part of German University of Witten-Herdecke can be viewed here: AtlasPROfilax Clinical Studies.

One example of a major change to the posture that could be caused by a misaligned Atlas is the scoliotic pelvis.

The Atlas should be sitting level, or square, on the cervical spine (neck), and the head should be square on the Atlas. It basically asks the question: “Is your head on straight?” The Atlas is the top bone of the spine. It is the vertebra that the head sits on.

Misalignments may often be deceiving. Even though symptomatic pain may occur in the lower back, legs, shoulders, arms or other parts of the body, their cause is very frequently located in the cervical spine (i.e. neck).

How does this unique method differ from general chiropractic treatment? One of the most obvious differences is the gentle way in which the practitioner works. No strenuous manipulation is needed. The method consists of a safe, strategic, non-chiropractic massage to the 4 layers of the neck muscles, especially on the muscles that position and give stability and correct (or incorrect) function not only to the Atlas but to the Axis and the occipital. There is no popping, twisting or cracking of the neck or any cervical joints. As previously stated, the method is very safe, non-invasive, non-medicinal and non-chiropractic.

Additional information and summaries of research studies relating to the AtlasPROfilax® method undertaken by Prof. Dr. Rainer Seibel at the Radiological Institute Diagnosticum, one of the most advanced medical centers in Germany, and part of German University of Witten-Herdecke can also be viewed here: AtlasPROfilax Clinical Studies.

The image link below is interesting and particularly so if you click on the “C1” where the animation seems to demonstrate its effect on just about every nerve and organ in the body


Don’t Just Survive...But THRIVE!

Contact Marie for more information or to book an assessment

Marie-Agnès Casalini, Atlas practitioner

Clinics in: LONDON (Harley street), East Grinstead by GATWICK airport, Manchester, Birmingham and Suffolk.

Check out some of the many video testimonials from clients who experienced certain discomforts and conditions before undergoing the Atlas bone realignment procedure referred to as the AtlasPROfilax® Technique.

*All testimonials featured are of the opinion of the person that wrote or recorded them: Marie-Agnès Casalini takes no responsibility for anything stated and would like to make it clear for legal reasons that she does not claim to have healed or cured anyone. The AtlasPROfilax® method is no compensation for medical care or diagnostics. Any current treatments must neither be interrupted nor terminated, also future treatments must not be postponed. The AtlasPROfilax® method is neither a diagnostic method nor a medical therapy, no diseases, no symptoms of diseases, no medical conditions and no sufferings are medicated.